Popcorn (DE) 4/10: Bill will become a model!

They sold millions of CD’s, won all the awards they were nominated for and already toured halfway around the world – Tokio Hotel reached the top of the Pop-Olymp! Now it can only go downhill with their career. The last album was a flop – the days as a teenieband are over for the boys from Magdeburg.
Bill understood this as the first one of the four and is unerringly headed for a new career: He wants to become a Model and Designer! He’s got the dimensions and the charisma for this job. His first appearance on the catwalk was a success! If Bill does everything right, he could become the new male style-icon of the fashion scene. But what will happen to Tom & Co.?

Translation by loveth-music

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

If Tokio Hotel splits, I think that Bill will be the model/designer that he hopes to be. But, I think that Gustav will be an awesome drummer for someone else, I think Georg has the body to be an under-garment model, and Tom- he's definitely going to be a PORN STAR!!! Go Tom! ^_^

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