We met the, at the moment, most successful german Band shortly before their Tour started. There the boys revealed that Bill is on a hardocore diet, that they drink a lot of coffee and much more…
Thanks that you took some time for the interview. You are in for a long Tour, isn’t this strenuous?
Bill: We’re taking a completely new Show with us, which is in total much more complex than the previous ones. More elements, more effects, new instruments. So yes, this tour will be strenuous, but from our audience we get a lot of things in return. After all those rehearsals we want to see the reaction of the fans!
What do you do to stay fit?
Tom: Bill is on a hardcore diet, which keeps him on model dimensions and fit. I early discovered Sex as the best way to stay fit. The way I see it, Georg managed to stay fit without having Sex and Gustav will probably have to try out Bills 0-diet.
Band: They laugh! ;&rsquo
Now that you’re so well-known you don’t have a lot of your privacy left. Do you sometimes wish that you weren’t that famous?
Bill: We knew from the beginning that a lot of things would change with being famous. We enjoy the life that we’re leading right now, it has always been our dream and we consciously decided to lead this life! But it stops when our family or friends get involved with our career.
Have you once thought about how your life would have been if your music-career wouldn’t have gone so well?
Tom: I never worried about this when it came to me and Bill, Gustav and Georg stopped to worry about this since they got to know me. By the way, Bill would’ve been a professional Kickboarder (laughs). But he dropped this career for a stalwart profession.
What do you do in your free time?
Georg: We use every second to sleep. As soon as one of us is on the bus or the plane we sleep. When I get home I throw my suitcase into a corner in my room and sleep, and so on…
And how does a normal day on tour look for you?
Bill: We’re on the road with our nightliners, so on a day where we’re playing a show we wake up at about 10 a.m. We also have our own showers in there. Then we proceed to the catering for breakfast. Then, when we’re halway awake we’re doing a soundcheck and that’s where the excitement before the show starts. In the afternoon we often have some Photoshoots or we get interviewed. An hour before the show we meet up in our Backstage-Room, that’s our little ritual. At about 8 or 9 p.m it’s showtime – a 2 hour long show! And after the concert we’re having dinner, where we often hang out with our Team and Crew before the whole circus moves on to the next city!
Are there any cities left where you can move freely?
Georg: Not even Legoland! ;&rsquo
Tom: Seriously, it’s hard to find a country where you can go on vacation to relax.
In your opinion: What makes your german fans so special?
Bill: They supported us from the beginning, that connects us and I think without them staying by our side we wouldn’t be where we are right now. The Fans are also writing how long and exciting this whole time is, I’m getting really sentimental when reading this. Tom on the other hand is more interested in their pictures.
What is the first thing you’ll do after this long tour?
Bill: We’ll be heading home, to our family to relax and see our dogs, and then we’ll probably already play the next tour.
In how many countries will you play and how often have you been there before?
Tom: Alone for the “Welcome to Humanoid City”-Tour we’ll be playing concerts in 19 countries all over Europe! And we’ve already been to most of the countries we’ll be playing in. I wouldn’t have thought of this when I was a child, now I look at our tour-plan and think: Cool, we’ll be in Russia tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we’ll be in Spain or in Italy.
Where would you say that you played your best concert?
Tom: Our best concert…There’s alway something that we remember from each show, but my favorite Shows are always the ones when Bill fucks up. The fans immediately notice this and that’s why all our shows are my favorite ones. (laughs)
Translation by loveth-music
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