Win a Meet&Greet for Sweden!

Now is your chance to see the guys from Tokio Hotel in a Meet & Greet in Stockholm, March 4. Imagine standing face to face with your idols. Not bad, right?

There will be two winners, each person can bring a friend to the Meet.

To participate and compete for a Meet & Greet with the band, you have to answer this question:

What was their first studio album?

We want your response before 28 March, participate!

Just for people from Sweden!!

3 comentarios:

Zara said...

Can danish people get a chance to win? (Becuase Denmark is so close to Sweden):D

(Sorry my bad english)

Miriam said...

ow.. I dont think so .. :/
just can participate people from
Sweden ;)
sorry :/

Zara said...

Ok;) (I didnt expect it ether!:p)

(Bad english:p)

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