ScarletMadeline's Makeup Mastermind Looks At Guys In Guyliner: Trace Cyrus, Bill Kaulitz And Gerard Way

We judge people on the arrangements of their features and their style. Care to tell me that you don't? Well, I would say that you might not judge your friends on their beauty, but you certainly pick up a magazine cover or check out a musician on stage and say "damn that girl looks awful in that outfit" or "wow what was she thinking wearing that much eyeshadow". This round of ScarletMadeline's Makeup Mastermind I will be looking at guys that rock guyliner. Everyone knows that men with makeup are a staple in the music industry. From KISS to the late Michael Jackson to Panic At The Disco ... everyone is rockin' the guyliner.

Davey Havok from AFI
Trace Cyrus
Gerard Way
Bill Kaulitz
I can not figure this one out at all. Tokio Hotel's Bill Kaulitz is pushing this look WAY too far. Not only is the makeup bad but so is his hair.. YIKES! Sorry Bill, it's nothing personal.

Brendon Urie
Pete Wentz

Juzgamos a la gente por su apariencia y su estilo. Me vas a decir que tu no? Bueno, no te voy a decir que no juzgas a tus amigos por su apariencia, pero puedes echarle un ojo a la portada de una revista y mirar un músico en el escenario y decir: "Oh esta chica está maldita, va horrible" o "wow ella estaba pensando que llevaba demasiada sombra de ojos". En esta ronda del maquillaje ScarletMadeline buscaré a chicos que rockean eyeliner. Todo el mundo sabe que un hombre con maquillaje es un imán en la industria de la música. Desde KISS hasta el retardado Michael Jackson a Panic At The Disco... todos rockean el eyeliner.

Davey Havok from AFI
Trace Cyrus
Gerard Way
Bill Kaulitz
No puedo entenderlo de ninguna manera. Bill Kaulitz de Tokio Hotel está llevando este look demasiado lejos. No solo el maquillaje es malo, tambien su pelo. YIKES! Perdón Bill, no es nada personal.

Brendon Urie
Pete Wentz

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