20min.ch: Tokio Hotel Interview

Von julien delafontaine/Veronika Westphal

Why is your album called Humanoid?
It was named like that because it reflects the way we are. Since the beginning of Tokio Hotel, we wanted to come off as seperate beings.

How did you achieve it?
We’ve been in the studio for over a year to take time to whipe the slate clean and rethink our music style. We tried out different things, like electronic, which you can hear in the album.

Why is the new album released in German and English?
We already did the same for our last album, we translated our German songs into English. For this album we wrote in both languages. This will be for our upcoming albums. We want everyone to be able to understand us.

How will the show in Geneva be?
It will be an innovative performance. There’ll be a lot of light and fireworks.

Bill Kaulitz, how do you feel after your terrible car accident?
I’m so happy to be alive, since I give more to the group."

Translation by Amsel

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