Bill expresses himself in his lyrics.
We knew it after listening more attentively the new single, and we arrived to the conclusion that Bill doesn't live good times.
In "World Behind My Wall", a song composed by himself, says: "They're telling me, It's beautiful, I believe them but I will ever know The world behind my wall". Then, ding ding ding, ring bells and starts the music. It always seems that he was arrested with his life. Bill shows that he is not satisfacted with himself: "I don't want to people see me as an example, I have many flaws," he said recently. In BRAVO we want you to tell us what Bill really meant. If you think you know, write to, referring to Bill. We're waiting.
Bill se expresa con sus letras.
Sólo nos dimos cuenta después de escuchar con más atención el nuevo single, y nos dimos cuenta que en este momento, el Bill no vive buenos momentos.
En "World Behind My Wall", una canción compuesta por él mismo, dijo: "They're telling me, It's beautiful, I believe them but I will ever know The world behind my wall" ("Ellos me dicen que es hermoso, les creo, pero alguna vez conoceré el mundo detrás de mi pared"). De repente, ding ding ding, suenan las campanas y la musica que desea por decir algo. Siempre parece que fue detenido por su vida. Bill indica que no está satisfecho consigo mismo. "No quiero que la gente me vea como un ejemplo, yo tengo muchos defectos", dijo recientemente. En BRAVO queremos que nos digais que es lo que realmente Bill quiere decir. Si crees que sabes, escríbenos a, con referencia a Bill. ¡Estamos esperando!
Translation by Tokio Hotel Europe
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