The whole world is invited!
We chose a poster whose size will be chosen when the number of members is fixed. This poster should travel all around the world and every fan who participates writes his "Hello" in his mother tongue on the poster. He has to send it to the next fan by himself. Until it will get back to me, Kitschblütchen (founder) again. The finished poster will be framed and given to the boys at a signing session.
What's our goal?
We want to prove Tokio Hotel how much different people on this world support them, which they can see at every individual handwriting and language. On the other hand we ant to show Tokio Hotel where they still have success and where they can come back every time again.
How can you participate?
Every fan who wants to say the boys "Hello" and who can reliably send the poster to the next fan, can participate. The registration will be from August 2nd until October 2nd. You have to send your adress (name, street, postal code & city, country) to the e-mail-adress ! The registration will last 2 months because we want to reach as many fans as possible.
You need to be ready for the following points:
- for several "contracts" which you have to read, confirm and follow.
- you have to send your adress to us at the registration
Reason: You'll get another fan who you have to send the poster to.
You'll get the first name and the surname and the country of this person who you'll get the poster from and the entire adress from the person who you will have to send the poster to.
You'll get this in an e-mail which could look the following way: Max Mustermann, Germany - & YOU -&; Marisa Musterfrau, Musterstreet 0, 00000 Musterstadt, Musterland
So we exactly know where the poster is at the moment because we don't want that the poster will get lost.
[If we should need help, the co-moderators ), BillsPornomaus1) will also get the right to see your data.]
- the poster might be on a LONG way, depending on the number of memebers.
- As soon as we have all information about the members, we'll inform you about the shipping in foreign countries. The package will be weight and we'll calculate how much it will cost to ship it into other countries.
Design of the poster
I, Kirschblütchen, will take the costs of the poster and the frame and also the designing.
The design is still being planned.
But there will be:
- a headline
- depending on the size, there will be flags of the countries the participants live in.
You'll get the poster with a table on it. Every fan has a field where he can write his "Hello" in. (more information about this later)
I'll make the fields with a pencil and will erase the lines as carefully as possible when the poster gets back to me.
When I'll start with designing the poster, I'll upload pics of several sketches.
When the package will arrive at your home...
- FIRST POINT, VERY IMPORTANT: You have to immediately write us an e-mail when the poster arrives and when you'll send it to the next fan.
- We will not take over any shipping costs
- You don't have to buy a new package for the poster if you send it to the next person! You just have to re-stamp it.
- In the package will be a letter, which will repeat the "contracts" around the fanaction and the handlings with the poster.
It's not allowed to throw the letter away, you have to put it back into the package and send it to the next person. If the letter isn't there when the package arrives, please write us an e-mail immediately. We will send you the same letter, which you can print and put it in the package again.
- On the poster you'll find a table where every field has the same size. Every fan got ONE field where he can write his greet for the band in it. But we don't have a problem if you add a smily, a heart or something.
BUT! We don't want any love confessions, phone numbers, your names, adresses, names of the boys, song lyrics, data, B + T, or something else on the posters! Please refrain from doing this! The whole efford would have been for nothing then. Please also don't put any presents for the boys into the package because the shipping costs for you and also for other fans will be increased then. WE HOPE YOU RESPECT THAT!
- of course you're allowed to write with colored pens!
But please do NOT use pencils, biros, fountain pens or the colour yellow! And also no tip-ex! If you write a mistake, please let it on the poster and don't try to correct it, it would be a pity if the mistake would be made eye-catching.
- Please don't scribble on the poster! Please treat it carefully!
- If you damage the poster or if it's already damaged when it arrives at you, please write us an e-mail and make a photo of it!
Questions?! Please send your mail to !Kirschblütchen (Janine, founder)
Herzblut (Mirjam, Super-moderator), BillsPornomaus1 (Julia, Sarah, moderators)
berechnet, wie viel es in die jeweiligen Länder kostet.
Gestaltung des Posters
Ich, Herzblut, übernehme die Kosten für die Anschaffung des Posters, des Rahmens, usw. und auch die Aufgabe des Gestaltens. Die Gestaltung befindet sich noch in Planung.
Aber es wird:
- eine Headline geben (Vorschläge sind erwünscht!).
- je nach Platz, eventuell Flaggen der Länder aus denen alle Teilnehmer stammen. (Entweder um die Headline herum oder um den Rand des Posters)
- ein reguläres weißes Poster.
Ihr erhaltet das Poster mit einer Tabelle, in der jeder Teilnehmer ein Kästchen für sich hat (hierzu später mehr), die ich für euch mit einem Bleistift ziehen werde. Diese wird, wenn das Poster wieder bei mir ankommt, von mir so vorsichtig wie möglich wieder ausradiert.
Für weitere Vorschläge stehen wir offen! Aber wir bevorzugen: so wenig Aufwand wie möglich. Weniger ist bekanntlich mehr.
Sobald ich mit der Gestaltung beginne, werden ab und an Fotos auftauchen von verschieden Entwürfen. Darauf erwarte ich eure Meinung. Ihr könnt euch gerne integrieren!
Wenn das Paket/Umschlag bei euch ankommt...
- ERSTER PUNKT GANZ WICHTIG: Ihr müsst uns sofort per E-Mail benachrichtigen, sobald das Poster bei euch ankommt und wann ihr es abschicken werden/abgeschickt habt.
- Wir übernehmen keine Versandkosten.
- Das Paket/Umschlag, was für das Poster verwendet wird, muss nicht neu gekauft werden! Dafür könnt ihr das benutzen mit dem es ankam. Einfach nur neu und ausreichend frankieren.
- In dem Paket/Umschlag befindet sich ein kleiner Brief, eine Wiederholung der Verträge rund um die Aktion und Umgang mit dem Poster. Dieser Brief dient als Nachschlagewerk, während das Poster in eurer Obhut ist.
Der Brief darf nicht weggeschmissen werden, sondern muss wieder zurück in das Paket/Umschlag zurückgelegt und weitergeschickt werden. Sollte dieser Brief schon bei der Ankunft bei euch fehlen, schreibt uns umgehend eine E-Mail. Wir werden euch den selben zuschicken, den ihr dann ausdrucken und wieder mitbeilegen könnt.
- Auf dem Poster werdet ihr eine Tabelle finden, jede Zelle, Spalte und Zeile ist gleich groß. Jedem Fan steht EIN Kästchen zur Verfügung in dem er sein Hallo reinschreiben kann. Wir haben mit einem kleinen Herz oder Smilie als Verzierung kein Problem.
ALLERDINGS! Wir wollen keine Liebesgeständnisse, Handynummern, Namen von Euch, Adressen, Namen der Jungs, Songzitate, Daten, B+T, etc. auf den Postern wiederfinden!! Wir bitten euch dies zu unterlassen. Der ganze Aufwand wäre damit umsonst gewesen. Außerdem macht euch keinen Mut, denn die Jungs nehmen sowas nicht wirklich Ernst! Hierfür bitte auch beachten, keine weiteren Geschenke für die Jungs beizulegen, weil dadurch die Kosten für euch und andere Fans erhöht werden. WIR BITTEN EUCH, RESPEKTIERT DAS, denn damit zerstört ihr das Gesamtbild und den Sinn dahinter.
- Ihr dürft natürlich mit Farbstiften schreiben.
Allerdings KEINE Bleistifte, Kugelschreiber oder Füller und ihr dürft nicht die Farbe Gelb verwenden! Und auch kein Tip-Ex! Wenn ihr einen Fehler schreibt, bitte lasst ihn stehen und versucht nichts auszubessern, es wäre schade, wenn der Fehler auffällig gemacht wird.
- Bitte kritzelt nicht auf dem Poster herum! Besonders nicht außerhalb eures Bereichs. Geht damit bitte so sorgfältig wie möglich um.
- Beschädigt ihr das Poster oder erhaltet ihr das Poster beschädigt, schreibt uns umgehend eine E-Mail und beschreibt oder fotografiert das Happening.
Thread im deutschen Forum zu dieser Aktion
Webseite - "Hallo"-Fanaktion
What is this fanaction about?
The whole world is invited!
We chose a poster whose size will be chosen when the number of members is fixed. This poster should travel all around the world and every fan who participates writes his "Hello" in his mother tongue on the poster. He has to send it to the next fan by himself. Until it will get back to me, Kitschblütchen (founder) again. The finished poster will be framed and given to the boys at a signing session.
What's our goal?
We want to prove Tokio Hotel how much different people on this world support them, which they can see at every individual handwriting and language. On the other hand we ant to show Tokio Hotel where they still have success and where they can come back every time again.
How can you participate?
Every fan who wants to say the boys "Hello" and who can reliably send the poster to the next fan, can participate. The registration will be from August 2nd until October 2nd. You have to send your adress (name, street, postal code & city, country) to the e-mail-adress ! The registration will last 2 months because we want to reach as many fans as possible.
You need to be ready for the following points:
- for several "contracts" which you have to read, confirm and follow.
- you have to send your adress to us at the registration
Reason: You'll get another fan who you have to send the poster to.
You'll get the first name and the surname and the country of this person who you'll get the poster from and the entire adress from the person who you will have to send the poster to.
You'll get this in an e-mail which could look the following way: Max Mustermann, Germany -> YOU -> Marisa Musterfrau, Musterstreet 0, 00000 Musterstadt, Musterland
So we exactly know where the poster is at the moment because we don't want that the poster will get lost.
[If we should need help, the co-moderators ), BillsPornomaus1) will also get the right to see your data.]
- the poster might be on a LONG way, depending on the number of memebers.
- As soon as we have all information about the members, we'll inform you about the shipping in foreign countries. The package will be weight and we'll calculate how much it will cost to ship it into other countries.
Design of the poster
I, Kirschblütchen, will take the costs of the poster and the frame and also the designing.
The design is still being planned.
But there will be:
- a headline
- depending on the size, there will be flags of the countries the participants live in.
You'll get the poster with a table on it. Every fan has a field where he can write his "Hello" in. (more information about this later)
I'll make the fields with a pencil and will erase the lines as carefully as possible when the poster gets back to me.
When I'll start with designing the poster, I'll upload pics of several sketches.
When the package will arrive at your home...
- FIRST POINT, VERY IMPORTANT: You have to immediately write us an e-mail when the poster arrives and when you'll send it to the next fan.
- We will not take over any shipping costs
- You don't have to buy a new package for the poster if you send it to the next person! You just have to re-stamp it.
- In the package will be a letter, which will repeat the "contracts" around the fanaction and the handlings with the poster.
It's not allowed to throw the letter away, you have to put it back into the package and send it to the next person. If the letter isn't there when the package arrives, please write us an e-mail immediately. We will send you the same letter, which you can print and put it in the package again.
- On the poster you'll find a table where every field has the same size. Every fan got ONE field where he can write his greet for the band in it. But we don't have a problem if you add a smily, a heart or something.
BUT! We don't want any love confessions, phone numbers, your names, adresses, names of the boys, song lyrics, data, B + T, or something else on the posters! Please refrain from doing this! The whole efford would have been for nothing then. Please also don't put any presents for the boys into the package because the shipping costs for you and also for other fans will be increased then. WE HOPE YOU RESPECT THAT!
- of course you're allowed to write with colored pens!
But please do NOT use pencils, biros, fountain pens or the colour yellow! And also no tip-ex! If you write a mistake, please let it on the poster and don't try to correct it, it would be a pity if the mistake would be made eye-catching.
- Please don't scribble on the poster! Please treat it carefully!
- If you damage the poster or if it's already damaged when it arrives at you, please write us an e-mail and make a photo of it!
Questions?! Please send your mail to !
Kirschblütchen (Janine, founder)
Herzblut (Mirjam, Super-moderator), BillsPornomaus1 (Julia, Sarah, moderators)
1 comentarios:
oooh my gosh this is wonderful,
I've already sent the email wwith all my details and I hope it'll get to you in time!
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