Yesterday (Monday)Tokio Hotel released the video of the new single “World Behind My Wall”. In contrast to the video predecessor “Automatisch“, in which different special effects had been included giving him a quite futurist aspect, in this occasion the thinking heads (that aren't dumb nor small) they have wanted to turn to the roots, showing a performance of the group with all his components independently of being called Kaulitz and alternating all this with a few black and white images of Backstage full of tenderness.
The passage of the time is demonstrating that the tactics of make robotic the ambience as strategy of Marketing with the exit of “Humanoid“ has not brought a few very satisfactory results, for saying it about a way politely. If of something it boasts the band of Magdeburg is of being able to transmit to his Fans his closeness and his human side. It is for it, that although the scenes appeared in the new video can sin per moments of over-sweet, they approach much more the spirit of the group and it shows his most earthly side removed from the Showbusiness.
Ayer lunes se estrenó el video del nuevo single “World Behind My Wall” de Tokio Hotel. A diferencia del video predecesor “Automatisch”, en el que habían sido incluidos diferentes efectos especiales dándole un aspecto bastante futurista, en esta ocasión las cabezas pensantes (que no son ni tontas ni pocas) han querido volver a las raices, mostrando una actuación del grupo con todos sus componentes independientemente de apellidarse Kaulitz y alternándolo todo ello con unas imágenes en blanco y negro de Backstage llenas de ternura.
El paso del tiempo está demostrando que la táctica de robotizar la atmósfera como estrategia de Marketing con la salida de “Humanoid” no ha traido unos resultados muy satisfactorios, por decirlo de una manera cortés. Si de algo se precia la banda de Magdeburg es de poder trasmitir a sus Fans su cercanía y su lado humano. Es por ello, que pese a que las escenas aparecidas en el nuevo video pueden pecar por momentos de empalagosas, se acercan mucho más al espíritu del grupo y muestra su lado más terrenal alejado del Showbusiness.
Traduction by Tokio Hotel Europe
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