Public #328 [FR]

"´We are rebellious´
A fourth album already on top!
After Schrei, Zimmer 483, and Scream, the fourth album of the band, Humanoid (Polydor), ranked number 3 in album sales in France upon its release. Available in German and English versions, it's placed under the sign of SF and the single Automatic is number 12 on the Top 50.
Athénée Plaza, 2:45 pm, October 14th. A compact line of girls, overexcited, wait behind barriers and scream as soon as Bill's black mane appears at the window. In a suite of the luxury hotel, the four rockers tie up interviews with a very Germanic rigor. An interview of 20 minutes, under strict control of the band's manager. I'm not disappointed, Bill sports a crest sculpted in gel and midnight blue nail polish. Beep stopwatch!

You've sold 5 million albums. Are these the types of numbers that put on mighty pressure?
Bill: Nooo! (laughs). Yes, of course, because this is not an album that we made in our garage, it's a big thing and we know that there are millions of people who will listen and talk about it. But in the studio, we tried to forget all that to concentrate on the music.

Bill writes the lyrics and Tom composes. You never fight?
Bill (laughing): No, we're forced to agree, Tom didn't write a line!
Tom (smiling): And you, you've never been able to play an instrument!

Your music is still rock, but more sedate. Did you take a shot of old?
Bill: We grew up. We're 20 years old, this changes your life, but don't say that we've quieted down because that's wrong! We are always rebels, we have rage, in the good sense of the word!

In World Behind My Wall, you consider publicity to be an imprisonment. Is it so hard the life of Tokio Hotel?
Bill: We always wanted to be number 1. The only thing is, we can't go for a quiet walk on the street anymore, we don't feel free in our private life, we are locked in a gilded cage.

Bill, have you tried to go out without makeup or styled hair simply to pass incognito?
Bill: Of course, but even like that, there are always fans or photographers who finally recognize me and jump on me!

At the moment, French fans, called "the Afghans", harass you. This doesn't prevent you from coming to France...
Bill: They are not fans, just psychopaths who spoil our lives...
Tom: One of them jumped on my car when I left my home. They send us threatening letters and the court forbade them to approach us. But the most serious, it's that they went for our mother whom they physically attacked...

You've been away a little over a year and other sex symbols, Robert Pattinson and Zac Efron, have taken your place...Your strategy to dismiss them?
Bill: Zac! (Small mocking smile towards his brother.) We don't think about these types of things, Robert and Zac are actors, we're not in a competition.

Could you have a love story with a fan?
Bill: Why not, one is never safe from love at first sight...

Only Georg has a girlfriend. How come?
Bill: We would love to have a girlfriend, but we don't have time. Since the start of the band, I haven't had a single relationship.
Tom: This is not for lack of trying!
Georg: Tom is the most flirty of us, he is desperate to find a girlfriend!

What girl is your type?
Tom: Me, I really like Jessica Alba, she's a bomb!
And you, Bill?
Bill: I have no particular physical type. Brunette or blond, as long as it's love at first sight.

What must be done to have a chance with you?
Bill: Avoid biting fingernails.
Tom: Fart!
Gustav: Burp!
Georg: They must shave their legs and armpits!
Tom: Overall, no hairs on the body!
Bill: But that they still have hair!
Georg: And they don't put their fingers in their nose!

What do you know how to say in French?
Bill: "Sh*t!"
Gustav: "Would you like to sleep with me?" and "I love you", this is useful for finding an apartment!

What French artists do you know?
Tom: Uh...Johnny Hallyday, by reputation...
Georg: Carla Bruni?

Like any good rock band, we imagine you consume illegal substances. What are your favorites?
Bill: Coffee, Red Bull, Diet Coke, cigarettes, girls.
Tom: But our hardest drug is success!"
Translation by karmafrog

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