20 Questions to Tokio Hotel [Nokia] - traduction Part 1

Q: Is the new album going to be a theme-album?
Tom: Actually..i think theme-albums are ridiculous.The good thing is…for us it fits naturaly
Bill: We didn’t put our focus on doing a theme-album..generaly it has to fit together. An album is always something..that you want to do…muscialy too…and from that point it usaly matches…At best..it fits to your current look too. I would say…for us it works simply..
Tom: It matches to gustav’s look…
Q: What induced Tom to change his look so strongly?
Bill: It was me…
Tom: Stop talking bullshit Bill…Rubbish….Actually…
Bill: I have to tell you ..that Tom had to order new caps…because the old ones has a hole…and he can’t wear them anymore…
Tom: But the best part is…i just recieved new Tom-caps….from that point it fits. But honestly…i didn’t changed that much…
Bill: He cried at home
Tom: Acutally…the dreads are gone…and
Bill: And i had conviced him to color it black…
Tom:..That is also a lie
Bill: so that he looks a bit cooler…and one day like me

Q: Do you believe in reincarnation after death?
Bill: Oh..yes…i don’t know, whether you will be reborn as a human and everything is the same ..but i do believe that their is some kind of life after death
Georg: I hope so
Bill: I could philosophize about this for hours…
Tom: I do believe in anyway that your soul is not going to die
Bill: Exactly me too
Tom: We also talked about that with Ingrid and Klaus…you truely could philosophize about that forever
Bill: But it is definitely not over, if you are dead…
Gustav: Yes…that’s what i believe too.

Q: In what way did MJ Death touched you? Has he been an inspiration or a role model for you?
B: Actually, i don’t want to say a lot about that…because in my eyes it is so terrible that all these c-celebrities try to make people talk about them.and suddenly everbody has been a huge Michael Jackson Fan. Ja, it makes you…of course everybody was touched by it in his own way…and of course it is a very sad and terrible story…but i think…it should not be exploit in the media and that is why, i don’t want to say too much about it…leave it alone….

Q: Are you sometimes afraid of too much fame?
B: Too much fame? Nööö…I believe…of course it changed your life…but that is why we do it…you have to say…that we are in someway addicted to fame…of course you want to reach a lot of people and you want to have a lot fans…that is the goal of every band…from that point of view you are addicted to fame..you can’t get enough of it…

Q: If you would be a girl…of whom of your bandmates would you have a crush on ?
Bill: Georg…i have to say…even now i think he is very attractive…and if he would be a girl….i would…
Tom: No…
Georg: Noo..if you would be a girl dude….
Bill: Oh….if i would be a girl?
Tom: Who do you think is the hottest guy…but it is obviously…
Bill: Oh…i see…that was the question…
Tom: Now everybody is thinking…
Bill: I thought…if one of you would be girl..of whom i would have a crush on…
Georg: Do you love me still? That would be…
Tom: Now everybody is thinking about it for such a long time…but it is obviously…often enough you have told me…it’s me…
Gustav: I don’t dare…
Bill: Wait a minute…so i can get it…if i would be a girl ..of whom i would have a crush on?
Tom: Exactly Bill…
Georg: It would be Gustav…because he has the most sexual inertia….
Bill: But then my answer is still right…also Georg…ja…because Georg is a little bitch…
Gustav:ja..he is pervy….
Bill: Yes
Tom: Yes…I would defintily have a crush on me…and the others too…

Q: How do you picture yourself at the age of thirty? A mansion and two kids or having your own rockclub?
Tom: A Rockclub?
Georg: I could imagine having a mansion
Tom: The mansion
Bill: Hopefully a mansion…hopefully a tattoo-studio
Tom: I also think a tattoo-studio and your own club
Bill: And your own club…your own hotel and twenty dogs and of course still making music..

Q: With whom of the band would you like to change parts?
Gustav: Absolutly Georg…he is the most laid-back human..unbelievable
Tom: Me too…i would change parts with georg…
Bill: Me too.
Tom: because he has the most relaxing job of all of us…first …his instrument is the simpelst…second…all day long he has nothing ..ja
Georg: I don’t want to change parts with anyone
Tom: The best part of being Georg…he has found his true love…
Bill: Ja…i would also change parts with georg…

Q: Do you watch horror-movies? Do you sometimes close your eyes by watching it?
Bill and Tom togehter : I love to watch horror-movies…
Tom: I love horror-movies
Bill: Me too…i love to watch it…but to close your eyes is bullshit…
Tom…and Bill ..because then you don’t need to watch it…
Tom: I love true…true massacre…
Bill: I truely loved the Hostel…
Tom: Ja…the Hostel
Georg: Also such cliche`-horror-movies
Tom: Saw…the saw-movies
Bill: Oh…Saw…they are great …i am a huge fan of it….

Q: Privacy…Which fan-actions clearly cross the line?
Bill: Everyone who harasses us in our privat life…that means…everyone in front of our house…in front of our studio…all of them who don’t allow us to lead a normal life…
Tom: That goes to far..
Bill: ….that is crossing the line…and everyone who tries to get in a contact with our families or friends…
Tom: Everything else is allowed….

Q: To which do you envy us fans?
Bill: I think…it is awesome just to go to a concert…that must be great….
Tom: I would love to watch a Tokio Hotel concert…
Bill: Yeah..me too..i would love to do it…to watch it from the audience ..to see us in a general view…because everyone is always focused on themselves….I envy our fans for the possibilty to go to a concert with a girlfriend or friends…

Q: Gustav..what would you do if you would be the chancellor for one day?
Gustav: Nobody wants to know that…
Georg: Nice…then we have only 19 questions?
Tom: Cool
Bill: Super
Georg: Gustav would probably get rid of school….
Tom: What i would like to do is , if i would be the chancellor…basically i would introduce a test…
Georg: For what?
Tom: For everyone with a driver-licence…a special test….i don’t know exactly which one…but an extra test…and everybody who passes the test..is allowed to drive don’t matter where….everywhere as fast as he wants to…
Georg: That is a great idea
Tom: Of course it has to be a tough test…but i would pass it anyway…so that there are selected drivers in Germany…who.
Georg: A Michael-Schumacher-licence
Tom: A Michael-Schumacher-licence..or what i also would like to introduce is…that you are allowed to have shaded windshields exceptionally….
Bill: shaded….yes
Tom: It is a safty risk for other road users… that we are not allowed to have shaded windshields…you cann’t imagine how often some Girls drive like this…oooohh….and then crashed into a tree…that had happend already a few times…the last example was Jessica Alba..we have been in the USA and she crashed her mercedes into a tree
Bill: This is obviously bad…i see that…

Q: Do you have a catchy song at the moment?
Bill: Automatic…Automatic
Georg: Durch den Monsun
Bill: So…i have to say…at the moment we are very busy with our music..because we worked on the album the whole time..We didn’t listen to other music that much…and if i am listening to other music it is Kings of lion…i really like them
Tom: Can you sing a song?
Bill: Nee…i can’t .. i can only sing…Automatic…Automatic….
Tom: Automatic…

Q: If you would be a Tokio Hotel Fan and you would go to your own concert..what would you write on a banner and what would you take with you?
Tom: To write on a banner….?
Bill: I would not take something with me..that would hurt us, if you throw it…
Georg: Batteries
Bill….any hard objects
Tom: I would take batteries with me especialy for Georg….
Bill: Toys? .I love terrycloth-toys…because they are so soft…if i could choose one…i would take the terrycloth-toys…because i don’t like the „ Steiftier“..they are too hard…
Tom: And on a banner…i would write ..like everybody is already doing….Georg..
Gustav: Georg you are the best example…for
Tom: Georg out…Tom in….
Bill: I don’t want to …i love to get a surprise…sometimes ..there are some very nice banners…i don’t know what to write on a banner…I remember that one day i wrote a letter…..hm…no matter…i am not going to tell the story…

Q: Would you donate your organs or make your body available for research?

Bill: No way…
Tom: To donate your organs…it depends on..
Bill: Organs…
Tom: Does it mean overall?
Bill: To donate your organs…yes…
Tom: For example…if Bill would need an organ…and i would not need it…i would do it any way…
Bill: In any case
Tom: …it depends on the person
Bill: Exactly it depends on the person…
Tom: I would not do it for Gerog
Bill: Yes…exactly
Georg: But you could donate me one of your two brains…
Tom: jaa..
Bill:Really…to donate your organs…..it truely depends on the person and the circumstances..If you could do it and it is medically ok….i think it is a good idea….but to make my body after death available for research..no way….It is absolutly discusting to do this with dead people
Georg: And also for the relatives and family …it is tough to know that you are not going to be burried
Bill: Absolutly….
Georg….and somebody pick you to pieces..
Bill: this has nothing to do with dignity
Tom: The only thing that i am truely thinking about is…to donate some sperm….
Georg: Some sperm…you have enough of it
Tom: Yes..i have enough…i actually did it already…directly….

Q: If you would have supernatural power..what would it be?
Bill: I would love to be invisible…to have a button for it…
Tom: Ja..invisible
Bill: To be invisible must be very cool..
Georg: I can not decide between being invisble or able to fly..
Bill: Flying…is cool too
Gustav: I take both
Tom: or beamen…
Bill:Yes beamen…one of us has to be able to fly and the others to be invisible…I want to be invisibel because… in someway i could hold on to you…and so i could fly too …so i would have both…
Tom: Or with beaming…
Gustav: My engines are overloaded with myself
Bill: Ja..that is true…So i have to fly with Georg

Q: Bill..you look like Darth Vader on the pictures of the nokia shoot…do you like Star Wars?
Bill: To be honest…i have never ever seen Star Wars
Tom: Sure, Sure…Of course you have…togehter with me at the movies..
Bill: Are you kidding me? Star Wars?
Tom: The new one…not the old ones…
Georg: It was Star Trek
Tom: No…the movie
Bill: Whatever….i don’t know anything about it…i don’t know their figures..their names…i did not focused on it…
Georg: What’s the name of this…furred one…he is cute
Tom: Ja..he is cute
Bill: Who?
Georg: The one who is not able to speak..
Bill: Is this the movie with this One Two..One Two..
Tom: With the laser-blade…
Gustav: Actually it is R2D2
Bill: Oh R2 D2
Tom: He is really cute..
Georg: The furred one….he is awesome
Tom: Yeah..he is awesome
Gustav: You talking about the flying..
Georg: No..the big one…
Tom: Dude..The Master
Georg: Chubaka…..that is his name
Tom: I am talking about the Yen-master..
Georg: The little one…..he looks a bit like you..
Tom: Exactly…

Q: Did you ever played your Golden record’s to get to know what is truely on it?
Bill: To be honest…i guess..there is no music on it..
Tom: Sure..there was a story..
Bill: Somebody told us..that there have been something different on it….but to be honest…i don’t believe it…
Tom: Well..i could imagine..that the record-companies…as we do know.them…they actually cut down on everything…take an old vinyl that hasn’t been sold so much..or from another band or someone like David Hasselhoff…and then they make a goldend record from it

Q: In which movie would you like to play the leading-role?
Bill: I would love to play in a vampire-movie and i have to say ..that i am a bit jelous of the leading-role in twighlight…
Tom: I would love to…
Bill: If they had offered it to me..probably..i would have…yes ..i would have done it..
Tom: I would love to play in action-movie
Georg: Too fast and too furious would be something for you…that would fit
Tom: That would be awesome…too fast and to furious
Georg: With Vin Diesel
Tom: Yes…with Vin Diesel
Bill: Or togehter with the Olsen Twins..in „ A crazy day in New York“…the one with the shower
Georg: And what do you want to be? The Shower-cubicle
Bill: Yes the shower.-cubicle or the shower…..
Bill…did you ever force Tom to dress or to use make up like you want him too?
Bill: Yes…i just did it…Tom has a new hairdo…
Tom: Pffff…
Bill: It is my styling…No…
Tom: So..with this he automatic confess that i look awesome…
Bill: Of course..he looks much better than before…his Car-scooter-Shirts are gone
Tom: This is not true…
Bill: That looks fine..
Tom: ….the car-scooter shirts..
Bill: That is already the right style… don’t worry i will have a look on it… No…at least Tom has his own style…and we leave us alone with this…actually by going on the street…and we both think..we look stupid..it is the best and we do it…

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